Head Boy and Head Girl   



  • To be a positive role model to all the pupils at Packington CE Primary School.
  • Encourage excellent behaviour, relationships and learning attitudes.
  • Support the school aims. 


  • Welcome parents and give out hymn books at Achievement Assembly and church services.
  • Nominate a pupil for demonstrating a positive attitude in assembly and award a sticker in Achievement Assembly.
  • Meet and greet visitors at special events.
  • Where necessary act as a mentor for younger pupils.
  • Be an ambassador for the school.
  • Where necessary address the whole school to ensure high standards are maintained.


  • Freedom to go into lunch with a friend without being called.
  • Allocated their own personal chair for assemblies.
  • Freedom to enter school without a yellow band.
  • Able to negotiate with Mr Emery an extra privilege with a friend to take place on a Friday lunchtime.



Qualifications/ selection requirements

  • Pupils who demonstrate excellent learning attitudes in class and around school will be eligible for the position.  (Staff will consider effort and not academic ability – however regard will be taken where pupils have worked hard to improve their own progress).
  • Consideration will also be made of commitment to the life of the school- willingness to help around school, try new things, participate in events and activities etc.
  • Pupils should possess a Silver Citizens Award.
  • Pupils will need to demonstrate excellent behaviour.  Pupils who have had their name entered in the red book in the term prior to selection will not be eligible and will need to demonstrate a term of good behaviour before being chosen for the role.
  • A Head Boy and Head Girl will be selected each term.
  • Mrs Price, Mr Emery, Mrs Rogers, the Teaching Assistant working in the class and any previous Head Boys and Girls will be involved in the selection process.





Our House System at Packington


At Packington we have four houses:


  • Babelake
  • Normanton
  • Bridge
  • Mill

 Each house has a boy and girl house leader from year 6.  House leaders encourage their house to perform well and have the job of collecting and recording the house points.

 Every house is made up of children from each year group.

 Each house is also divided up into 6 mixed aged friendship groups. Older pupils act as leaders to help support, mentor and coach younger pupils.

 We have organised the hall so that during collective worship the children sit in their houses and with their friendship groups.  This means that they can move into their groups to work together during worship. For example, they can discuss ideas and act out plays. It allows everybody to take part and be heard.

 Houses and friendship groups are used when organising Sports Day and other events.

 Each half term an award or reward is given for the house that earns the most house points. This includes a non- uniform day for the winning house.

 House points are awarded for:

 Good Behaviour/ good responses in Collective Worship

 Individual Merit stickers and raffle tickets are also worth one house point.